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  • Huntsville Educational Article of the Month - How to Inspect a House for Pigeon Entry Holes

How to Inspect a House for Pigeon Entry Holes

In some places Huntsville pigeons are considered as pests, while in other places they are considered to be good as home pets and are breed year after year. However, this is not a point of discussion here, as we intend to focus mainly on how to inspect and identify pigeon’s entry holes in a house. Sometimes you will discover that some areas of your house have not been the way they used to be and you may have been wondering what may have caused that. Well, there are many factors that resulted to holes openings in the house and this will serve as access for Alabama pigeons to settled and possibly cause damage that can make you spend lots of money to repair. In this article you will be seen how you can inspect a house for pigeon entry holes so that you can take positive actions that will keep them away from the house if you don’t want them.

Lighting the whole area is the first step to arrive at success
You have to agree that there is no way to start inspecting a house for Alabama pigeon entry holes without adequate lighting, try your best to lightened the whole area so that your work will be easier and have clear visibility in different locations of the house.

Check all the ceilings of the house for openings
To inspect a house for Huntsville pigeon entry, it means you will check all the possible areas pigeons may likely have access into the building - of which ceiling is one. Make sure you have a view of every four corner block of the house that is covered by ceiling and see whether there are openings or holes. If you found one or more openings on the ceiling, do your best to take care of that.

Check through the chimney
Pigeons can access a house through the chimney holes, even though they don’t always have their way to the house by the chimney because of the smokes but they can be smart and enter the house when the place is clear off smokes. It is important to check all these places so that you don’t leave any part of the Huntsville house.

Look for hidden holes inside an attic
An attic is an area or space between the roof and the ceiling joist of a building. Inspecting a house for Huntsville pigeon entry holes will require you to concentrate more on the attic wall since pigeons mostly visit an attic in the house. You have to enter inside the attic and use a torch light to locate any available openings in the area.

In conclusion, it is important to know that an Alabama pigeon cannot enter into a house without an opening; what you need to do is ensure all openings in house no matter how little it is has been taken care of and blocked to avoid further concerns.

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